Thursday, February 24, 2011

All Girls Hoard Bags

Hey girlfriends! Now don't be telling me you don't have a bag collection somewhere in your house! No, I do not mean purses... I mean BAGs- you know, paper bags, plastic bags, cloth bags, tall bags, skinny bags, Whole Foods bags, Ralphs bags, Lulu bags, and every other brand imaginable... You know what I am talking about! The term "bag lady" didn't come from nowhere!

This bag hoarding idea came to me last Easter when my dad and I went over to my cousin Rimas and wife Myia's house.  Somehow it came up that my mom had a real problem throwing away these grocery/shopping bags and he started finding them all over the house.  He said it had gone to far when he was finding them under beds, and made her throw SOME of her bags away.   Lets be realistic- what woman can throw out ALL of her bags?

Right then my cousin Rimas starts talking about Myia's bag problem and opens the closet next to us, where millions of all types of bags fall out.  She immediatly starts rationalizing why she needs so many bags.  I then realize that I also hoard bags in the back of my closet.  You know, those big nice ones from Bloomingdale's or the cloth ones from Free People, plastic ones in the kitchen.  Anyways, I think the reason we save them is because "you never know when you might need a bag".

 I like to think my bag obsession is a combination of genetics and LA's idea that lunchboxes were lame and you needed the coolest little paper bag from a trendy clothing store to keep your lunch in.  Oooh those Elyse Walker light pink bags with the cloth brown handles were my favorite lunch bags.  In high school we also used these cute little bags to return clothes to friends after wearing their dress and not wanting them to see how crumpled it is until they got home by shielding it with this beautiful bag.  Return a crumpled dress alone and you never let them borrow anything again.... return a crumpled dress in a bag and its ALLL gooood.  But when was the last time I used one of those nice bags to bring someting to someoone? Um probably never, and so my collection grows.

Aleksandra, my roommate and I subconsciously collected bags under the sink this year.. In about December, things were getting ridiculous in the bag department and I got up the nerve ;) to bring up our obvious but never spoken about bag hoarding problem.  Now we joke around about it, and pretend we don't cherish every little plastic bag we use.  Everyday we have new stories about bags we collected or secretly reused that day.  We kick ourselves for not remembering our cloth bags at whole foods but then delight in the idea that we will get new bags from our trip to the store. It's an addiction.

I could go on and on about bag stories, but I will not.  If you're a girl, you know it's true.  I hope all of you prosper in all of your bag endeavors!

And if you're wondering if I threw out the bags pictured above that we keep under the sink.. NO I DID NOT THROW OUT OUR PRECIOUS BAGS, but I did organized them :)


  1. Brianna I am also a closet bag hoarder and also a nice box hoarder. But fear not because the fashion industry itself is all about bag hording. When anyone in the industry sends and recieve samples they are always in nice white shoppers that the company then attaches a pretty sticker on it! Love your nails in your blog.


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  3. I am guilty of doing this - although it appears I don't do it as badly as you do, Brianna. I even bring good ones back from Europe - like La Rinascente or Burberry from Paris... It's a disease; they take up shoe space in the closet!
